• Unicorn Fun Activities  (Montessori Math)

续 Movable Alphabets 与 Counting Beads 大卖之后, 我们再次推出新品! 经过半年的构思, 设计, 排版, 修改, 印刷, 制作, 终于我们的 Unicorn Fun Activities 小背包来啦! 小朋友只需要背着它, 哪里都可以玩! 不止适合买给自家小朋友, 更是一份别出心裁的圣诞,生日礼物
Unicorn Fun Activities 共有 16 种 游戏!  Fun Activities Pad 里面包括13种不同的活动,每个活动都有三个不同等级哦! 剪纸活动,点到点连线,填字母,填数字,图案临摹,填色,加减,phonics,迷宫等等~ 这次也特别设计三款经典桌游 其中两款需要小朋友动手完成,游戏的同时也能够训练孩子们的小肌肉动作哦!

适合年龄层:Fun Activities Pad 适合 2~4 岁 桌游是 #老少皆宜! 超级配套只需RM 88! #限量一百套! 先到先得哦!

Time to have Fun! Many have been asking for new items since the Movable Alphabet and Counting Beads. So, after the 6 months of designing, editing, printing and processing, we've proud to announce that our "Unicorn Fun Activities Bag" is now ready for sale! There's total 16 games in the bag, including 13 activities in the Fun Activities Pad. From paper cutting to tracing, addition and subtraction, colouring, maze and even phonics! There's also 3 board games, which is suitable for all ages Two of them need to be completed by toddlers, also a fine motor skill training for the little ones 

Fun Activities Pad is suitable for age 2~4, while board games are for everyone! All these are packed in a super cute bag for little ones to carry everywhere they go! Price? Just RM 88! Only 100 sets to grab! First come first serve!

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Unicorn Fun Activities (Montessori Math)

  • Product Code: TY00439
  • Availability: In Stock
  • RM88.00

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